Find out more about our latest Cookies For Heroes winners!

Our #CookiesForHeroes initiative is now in full swing, with over 100 nominations in the first month! Selecting five winners wasn't easy - but we hope you'll agree that all of the winners (listed below) deserve the recognition – and a cookie break!  

Congratulations to:

Nottinghamshire Police - Radford Road Response Rota 4:

  "They were the first on scene to the terrible incident that happened on Ilkeston Road, Nottingham in the early hours of 13th June 2023 that made national headlines.

  "On arrival they were met with two innocent students that had suffered catastrophic injuries, and despite the horror before them, provided them with the best first aid and comfort that they could in their last moments, as well as securing the scene to give investigators the best chance at capturing vital evidence.

  "The incident they dealt with that night will undoubtedly have had a lasting impact on all of them. In the immediate aftermath they all returned to duty that very night to continue to serve to public and they supported each other through a very difficult time.

  "They also provided important feedback to the organisation to ensure that officers get access to the right support when attending such traumatic incidents." 

A message from Motor Source Group: 

As soon as we read this entry, we knew we'd be sending some cookies their way! It's just a small thank you - but we hope the team enjoy their cookies and recognise what a fantastic job they're doing!

I & J Wing Officers at HMP Hull:

  "They work tirelessly every day and did throughout Covid. A great team to work alongside and a pleasure to manage.

  They look after each other first and foremost but go the extra mile to help rehabilitate prisoners in our care. Their compassion and understanding of people's issues is amazing to see; their ability to break down social barriers and encourage and support prisoners to make positive changes is a breath of fresh air.

  Recognition for prison staff is very limited, as we do a job few people want to do and work behind a big wall. People don't see what goes on; only the negative points are ever reported by the press, and the hard work goes without recognition most of the time. We are the forgotten service so a small reward would be a massive morale boost for my staff.

  I think being able to nominate people in this way is a fantastic idea, and the fact it comes from outside of the justice system would further bolster the work we do in prisons - day in, day out, seven days a week, year after year.

  Thanks for the opportunity to express my gratitude."

A message from Motor Source Group: 

To the I&J Wing Officers: take a break, enjoy a cookie, and keep making those positive changes. And to ALL the invisible, behind-the-scenes workers: we see you, and we appreciate you!

Bel Magill:

"Bel has been at our school for almost 30 years. She is currently an Assistant Headteacher who is selfless in her commitment to our children and school community. She has recently been diagnosed with a form of bone cancer and is undergoing treatment at the Royal Marsdon Hospital, but still comes to school every day - even if she’s poorly - to see her children."

A message from Motor Source Group: 

So many incredible teachers out there, but we were so glad that Bel was nominated - it's clear how much she cares! We think she deserves a cookie (or several!) for going above and beyond.

Team A, St Albans Police:

"For attending 999 calls at all hours of day and night, weekends, holidays and some rest days. 

Protecting the public and the most vulnerable in the community.

Supporting, saving and helping those in their lowest moments in life and suffering severe mental health crisis.

For putting others first, being selfless and continuing to turn up to work day after day to do it all again.

For putting yourselves in danger in the process to safeguard those who couldn't otherwise protect themselves.

For being there for each other and increasing public confidence in policing through your dedication and hard work.

  Thank you Team A, St Albans."

A message from Motor Source Group: 

Although this (beautifully worded) winning nomination was put in for St Albans Police, we think this 'thank you' applies to police forces across the country. You are appreciated!

Nurses at Day Surgery Unit, Princess Royal University Hospital:

"I was recently a patient for day surgery at the hospital. This particular day, a brand new computer system had been implemented, which was causing teething difficulties for booking in, and operations were being delayed. Despite the obvious frustration with the system, staff remained positive and reassuring and kept us all relaxed and laughing - even though it was clear they were under additional pressure and their shift was going to be considerably longer than normal"

A message from Motor Source Group: 

This lovely winning nomination came from a patient at Princess Royal University Hospital, who wanted to say thank you for the hard work she saw around her. It means a huge amount that patients are recognising both the difficult working conditions, and all the effort the nurses are putting in to keep everybody smiling! They should be proud.

MSG Summary

Nominate your own #EverydayHeroes here: