Motor Source ESFL 2024 Champions

Teams from Greater Manchester Police, Greater Manchester Fire and Rescue, and London Fire Brigade have been crowned this season’s champions in the Motor Source ESFL in the women’s league, men’s open age and veterans leagues.

An epic day of football took place on Saturday 8th June, and not just the Euro2024 matches, no, it was the finals day for the Motor Source Emergency Services Football League!

Playing at Sixways Stadium in Worcester, the final matches from the Women’s, Men’s Open Age and Veterans Leagues took place, with Greater Manchester Police Women’s, Greater Manchester Fire and Recue Men’s and London Fire Brigade Veteran’s coming out victorious and taking home the trophies.

 Final Scores:

Women’s Final – Greater Manchester Police 1 – 0 West Midlands Police

Men’s Open Age – Hampshire Police 1 – 5 Greater Manchester Fire

Men’s Veteran - London Fire 1 – 0 North West Prisons

The Motor Source ESFL was set up in 2019 by two Detective Constables who work for West Yorkshire Police, Andy Smurthwaite and Pete Overton, with the aim to bring together the police service, the fire service, the NHS and the prison service in a competitive UK wide league and the only league of its kind in the UK!

It was during the duo’s involvement in the running of the West Yorkshire Police Team that they realised how limited fixtures were and the difficulties in arranging games. Each of the respective Emergency Services have their own competition but surprisingly there were none that brought the 999 community together. From here the idea of the Emergency Services Football League was born!

Title sponsors of the league, Motor Source Group offer new car discounts for Emergency Services personnel, saving them on average £6,019 each on their new cars, and have been supporting the ESFL from its initial days. CEO Steve Thornton said

“It has been our pleasure to be closely involved with the ESFL again this season. Seeing all of the teams really dedicate themselves to their league and matches, and then what it means to them to be involved in the finals day is just brilliant.

The ESFL is a great incentive to bring people together from all Emergency Services and give something really positive to help boost their health and well being too.”

Find out more about the ESFL and register your team here: 

MSG Summary

Motor Source Group are proud title sponsors of the ESFL.